Shiver me Timbers Pirate Warbands for Mordheim off the Port Bow! By Tim Huckelbery, Version 10-15-99 I know not if this record will ever reach civilization or not, but it is my hope that somehow these words do make their way back to fair Talabheim one day. I myself may never set foot in my homeland again, but if this record should ever reach my compatriots there I pray it finds them well, and illuminates my occurrences since departing on what was to be a routine voyage. Our ship has been taken captive by a band of pirates. They attacked in the night, stealthily boarding the ship before the alarm could be raised. I had been off-watch and asleep, but still feel shame for not somehow doing more to stop them. After all, I was among those hired to serve as bodyguards for these inexperienced travelers! Inexperienced in worldly matters like many of their fellow learned men from Altdorf, but wise enough to know they needed swordsmen like myself to guard them on their expedition. Alas, that I was not able to protect them better! Upon questioning the passengers as to the nature of the voyage, they only roared with uncouth laughter to hear their plans to investigate the notorious place. This was doubly embarrassing to my employers, as the crew of this ship had done much the same when hired to take them there. Only the promise of extra gold had allowed us to hire them for this voyage, but even then we would only be dropped off miles from the outskirts of the city remains. It seems these pirates prowl the surrounding waters, preying on vessels travelling into the area laden with gold and supplies, as well as those leaving the area carrying the mysterious substance which has become even more precious than gold itself! The lead pirate, who I took to be on of the senior officers, turned and waved his pistol to us. Loudly he stated, "Avast, scum! You will all do what you are told, and you may live to see sunrise. We will be relieving you of all valuables stay quiet, or youll be a-swimmin without your innards!" I noticed his eye patch, only partially covering a long scar running along his face, and knew these were dangerous men indeed. The lamps and torches lit the deck with flickering lights as the pirates moved quickly and efficiently to transport chests of gold and boxed provisions to their ship, tied with several stout ropes to our own. There was a short commotion from the scholars when one began to remove several satchels of their precious scrolls. Quickly one pirate, a large and unsavory brigand clad in leathers so crusted and hardened that they creaked as he moved, thumped one of the balding men soundly on the head, causing him to collapse in a heap of robes! Turning to the remaining elders he grinned an evil leer, displaying several golden teeth, and causing them to immediately fall silent. As this was going on, I noticed the lead pirate discussing something with two others, and then looking my way. He walked away towards me, and I recognized the two men as the ones I had wounded in the short scuffle (before a third had knocked me to the ground from behind). "I hears you put up a decent fight for a city boy," he said to me. I could only smile grimly at that, and hope I was not signing my own death warrant! "Capn Drakken could use always use another lad handy with a sword where were sailing. Youre not gonna come out well from this trip, but if youre ready for some rough work theres gold aplenty upriver!" I was quite astounded at this offer, but I also realized that he was correct in his assessment, even more so than he knew. I had been counting on this party to pay off several gambling debts, and could not go back without the gold I had already promised to many money-lenders there. There would be no protection from them, even for a (disowned) noblemens son as myself. Sigmar help me, but there was little choice to be had. A few words later, I and my few belongings were brought aboard the pirate ship. I write these words as we sail towards Mordheim, under the watchful eye of one of the crew. Im to begin learning my new trade tomorrow, especially with these shorter curved swords favored by the men. Once a privileged son of wealth, then on my own as a reputable private bodyguard for hire, I now begin my new life as a pirate. from the journal of Riley Augustus Frayed aboard the pirate ship The Serpent's Mother Pirate Warbands in Mordheim: City of the Damned The blasted city of Mordheim has called to many a Pirate Captain with the song of easy riches, as the nearby rivers are filled with ships bound with gold into the city and wyrdstone out of the city. Using the perpetual fog and dust which fills the air around the ruins, a ship can navigate the city via the deep rivers running though it. With lightning speed, the pirate ships can appear from nowhere and attack a ship, quickly looting it of any valuables. Some Captains have even found safe harbors for their vessels, and lead frequent raiding parties into the city itself. These brave piratebands have become new additions to other groups of adventurers, fanatics, and nightmare creatures that dare enter the remains of the City of the Damned. My first landing. First time Ive been in the city. No, not a city, not anymore. Oh Sigmar, what did these people do to deserve such punishment? More later I cannot find the words. from the log of Riley Augustus Frayed, Crewman, pirate ship The Serpent's Mother SPECIAL RULES "Yer a lucky one here, boy yer own friends left ye fer dead. We coulda have cut yer throat and taken yer gear, or sold ye like a Dreg. So now laddie Have ye ever been athinkin about the pirate business?" Pirate Captain Drakkens offer to anonymous enemy from the log of Riley Augustus Frayed, Crewman, pirate ship The Serpent's Mother Swabbies Kidnapped! If the Pirate players result is higher, the Hero renounces his old ways for the life of the high seas! She or he joins the Crew, either starting a new Crew group or joining an existing one if it has 4 models or less. There is no extra cost to add him to a group which has accumulated experience points, and any equipment or weapons he had are immediately sold off to buy him the proper weapons and armor to match his new unit in an even swap. His skills and characteristics are changed to match those of his new crew-mates. If the Pirate players result is twice as high or more, the ex-landlubber discovers he or she has salt in his veins, displaying enthusiasm and natural skills with the rigging and sails. The Captain wisely decides to take him on as an apprentice, and makes him a new Cabin Boy! He retains all his original characteristics, experience, skills, equipment, and weapons. Note this can happen even if the ship has reached its normal maximum of 2 Cabin Boys, but if one of the three is lost (death, captured, etc) the maximum returns to the normal value of 2. If there are already three Cabin Boys, or the Captain decides he doesnt need another Cabin Boy, the Hero instead joins the Crew as above. Otherwise, the Hero has resisted the sirens song of the sea, and is forced to become a Swabbie (see Swabbies below). He is stripped of his equipment and weapons; these are handed out as the player desires. He does retain any skills and keeps his original characteristics, but can only be re-armed with the weapons listed in the Swabbie equipment list. Enemy human Henchmen taken Out of Action during the game and then lost from their original warband for good (a 1-2 was rolled for them post-game) also have a chance of joining up too! Roll another D6 for each: on a roll of 4+, the Pirates manage to drag them away or otherwise make off with their wounded bodies, and patch them up on the ship. The Pirate player can then test to see if they will join exactly as above, by both players rolling 2D6 and adding it to the Captains and the Henchmans Leadership. This test can only be done if the Pirates win the game, so the Pirate player will always get a +1 to his roll. Hired Swords and Special Characters are too skilled to be taken off in this manner, and can never be recruited they have their own agendas to pursue, and the pirate life is just not for them! Well now matey, have you ever considered pirating as a career? If the Pirates encounter Stragglers (result 44) or Prisoners (result 333) when Searching, there is a chance they may sign up to sail under the Jolly Roger. Either of these options may be used instead of the regular options listed for these situations. If a Straggler is found, the Captain can try to convince him to join the crew by making a successful Leadership test. If passed, the Straggler joins as a Swabbie (hes too unhinged even to become a member of the Crew!) with the following characteristics: Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld If Prisoners are found, roll a D3 to determine how many are rescued. If the Captain passes a Leadership test (he must make a separate test for each one), the Prisoner eagerly joins his rescuers as a member of the Crew, either starting a new Crew group or joining an existing one if it has 4 models or less. If he is starting a new Crew group, he will start at the normal characteristics levels for a normal Crew member and at Zero Experience. There is no extra cost to add him to an existing group which has accumulated experience points, and his skills and characteristics match those of his new crew-mates. The player must pay though to equip and arm the new Crewman as per his new unit. If the player cannot pay, the prisoner must join as a Swabbie. If the test is failed, the Prisoner isnt quite so convinced of the worthiness of the sea dogs and is added as a Swabbie with the same characteristics as above. Other Rules Unless noted otherwise, Pirate Warbands have the same access to hired swords & any other items as for a regular human Mercenary Warband, and follow all the normal rules for them as well. They must however pay an additional +20 gc in upkeep if they have both Dwarfs and Elves together in the same warband (the ship is only so big, and the confines make them more irritable than usual!). In one-off games, a Pirate Warband starts with two Swabbies for free. Succession: If the Captain is killed, one of the Mates will take over in the same manner as a Champion taking over for a Mercenary warband. CHOICE OF WARRIORS A Pirate warband must include a minimum of 3 models. You have 500 Gold Crowns which you can use to recruit and equip your warband. The maximum number of warriors in the warband is 15 (this represents the landing party; the rest of the crew are aboard the ship in case some other scurvy sea dogs dare to attack!). HEROES Ships Captain:
Each Pirate warband must be lead by a Captain: no more,
no less! HENCHMEN Crew: Your warband may
include any number of Crew One thing I have found it that a pirates life does not leave much time for idleness. We must always be alert for other vessels, of course. The ship must always be at maximum effectiveness, ready to attack or run away if we cannot fight. Also, there is constant drilling and training, especially in swordplay. My previous background has helped here, but even I am moving to new levels with the blade. Ah, I think, if my fellows could see me now! Then I think, ah, if they do see me now, they will probably be trying their best to run me through. And me them Such melancholy aside, many nights we spend listening to the veteran shipmates spinning yarns of past battles, or famous exploits of fellow pirate vessels. Several of the crew lead the others in song, of such bawdy lyrics that one cannot help but laugh aloud. Hobarth especially is renowned for them, and has a seemingly inexhaustible supply of shanties he can sing out in his booming voice. He and I have become friends since our first meeting and my recruitment to the crew, and has been instrumental training me to become a valued member of the crew. As odd as it may sound, I find myself growing to like this life. It is hard and bloody but it does have its rewards. Even given the nature of the area we prowl. We play a dangerous game by hunting here, but nowhere else is there such a concentration of gold and other, more valuable items. I remember my initial reactions to this damned place, which now seems only as strong as my initial reactions to the dregs of Talabheims outskirts. I just realized that I have not thought of Talabheim for how long? Weeks, at least. Must stop now; Captain Drakken has called for me. Probably getting ready for another landing. from the log of Riley Augustus Frayed, Crewman, pirate ship The Serpent's Mother PIRATE SKILL TABLE
SPECIAL PIRATE SKILL LIST Pirate Heroes may use the following Skill table instead of any of the standard Skill tables available to them. Sea Shanty Singer Sea Legs Cutlass Master Booming Voice
(Captain only) Hardy
Constitution Swashbuckler Pirate Equipment List
Another landing. I seem to be becoming more immune to the horrors of this place, Sigmar help me. Drakken says it is natural, and that the only other reaction would be to go mad. We were discussing things last night, as we sharpened our cutlasses for the landing. He turns out to be a rather civilized man, who like myself became a pirate when fate tossed him about. His ship, the Imperial frigate The Griffon, was blown out of the water in combat with the Bretonnian Corsair Couragous and he was rescued days later by the pirate ship El Dorado. When it was discovered that he was a Master Gunner, he was pressed into service aboard the vessel. Months later he had become Master Gunner on his new ship. Less than a year passed before he took command of his own prize ship, taken in pitched combat - the same Bretonnian ship who set him on the path of piracy! He said he took great joy in setting the formerly dashing Captain Druillet and his crew adrift in their landing boats, sans oars of course! We drank a toast to them, wherever they might be now (probably in the belly of a Sea Dragon), and another to the ship, our very own Serpents Mother. Not only did Drakken rename the ship, but he also took on his new name, his old one being Roberts. "Not a very good pirate name," he said, "you gotta have some kick to it!" Evidently this was one of the lessons he had learned from his previous captain, Bloodwind the Black (originally known as Percival LAngelou). We drank another toast to old Percy, spilling a only bit more ale from our Black Jack tankards than in the previous toast, then got to the serious business of outfitting the landing party. Bont had finally finished work on the new Swivel Gun, to replace the one that exploded and nearly killed him, and we will be needing more fine blackpowder supplies. Drakken also wanted to try and find more of those exotic new poisons we had recovered from the bodies of those foul rat-men we fought last week. Word is that you can get more of it at certain trading posts. Weve plenty of the glowing shards to trade, having ambushed a band of those odd female warriors who were trying to carry away a small chest full of the stuff. We were able to beat them off and steal away the chest, then backtrack their steps and find even more in a small crater. We should be able to fetch a good price for it, though well not trade it all away at once (a trick I learned from Hobarth sell too much at a time, and youll get less for each shard!). The only trick will be in finding the trading posts we seek. Sometimes they just arent where they were last time. Later that night Some thoughts before turning in. Thinking about going back. To the city. The city does strange things the closer to the center you get, and locations seem to shift as if the city itself is trying to lure you into the center of its web. Hobarth, who has been in the area longer than anyone I know, says the city itself is living, brought to life when Sigmars Hammer struck it, as a midwifes slap brings a cry from a newborn babe. Others dont realize it as they have become all part of the shifting landscapes. He says we notice it more as we pirates are tied to the sea, not the land, and get disconnected from the citys grasp when we come back aboard our ship. Could be. Ive heard odder things in the past half year since joining up. And Ive seen plenty odd things both on the land, and even some in the sea nearby. You have to have respect for the city is all. It doesnt give up its treasures easily, and not without a fight usually, but if you respect what it can do, you can usually make it out alive. from the log of Riley Augustus Frayed, Crewman, pirate ship The Serpent's Mother Trading Pirate Warbands make use of trading between ships at sea, as well as the regular trading & merchant locations on land. Also, the landing parties can bribe their mates on the ship to rig up special weapons or items for them with the gold they gain in their adventures on the land. Thus Pirates may also purchase the following in their after-game trading. Note that some items are included in the equipment lists above, meaning they can be bought in initial warband creation as well. SPECIAL PIRATE WEAPONS & ARMOUR Common 7 gc Boat Hook Special Rules: Strike First, Two Handed. Boat Hooks are used in Close Combat. They allow the user to Strike First in the first round of any close combat, no matter which model charged, but require both hands to use. Models using a Boat Hook in combat cannot use any other weapons, or gain benefit from a shield or buckler, while in close combat. Common 7 gc Cat O Nine
Tails Special Rules: Like the Steel Whips of the Sisterhood, Cats cannot be parried by swords or bucklers, have a 4" range, and hit with the users Strength. However, since they are made or rope and not steel, they give the enemy model a +1 to his armor save (6+ is no armor is worn), like a hit from a fist or dagger. Other than this exception Cats follow all the rules for Steel Whips. Rare 8 75 gc Swivel Gun Special Rules: Swivel Guns follow most of the rules for Blackpower weapons (Move or Fire, Prepare Shot) but have some exceptions as noted below. A Pirate Warband may have only one Swivel Gun at a time, due to the time it takes the ships Master Gunner to construct one. Blackpowder Weapon: Move or Fire & Prepare Shot (as per normal backpowder weapons) are in effect. Cumbersome: The user is at 1 Initiative and 1 Movement throughout the battle. Also, Swivel Guns may never be fired twice per turn, or fired if the user moved, no matter what Skills the user may have. Blackpowder Rules: The normally optional rules for Blackpowder weapons on page 164 are always in effect for Swivel Guns, due to unpredictable nature of the local materials used in their construction. Special Ammunition: Swivel Guns use non-standard ammunition types, which must be bought for each game. Each type only lasts one game, so if it is used in a game it cannot be used again until another supply is bought. Before firing, the Gunner must declare which type is being used, if he has more than one type available in the game. Swivel Gun Ammunition Common 5 gc Ball Shot (one game
only) Maximum Range: 36" Strength: 5 Armour Save: -2 Concussion: The impact of the heavy lead projectile is enough to rattle even the hardiest warrior. Treat any resulting Injury Rolls of 2-4 as a Stunned result. Common 2 gc Chain Shot (one game
only) Maximum Range: 24" Strength: 4 Armour Save: -1 All Wrapped Up! Enemy hit by Chain Shot which are not wounded are Knocked Down on a roll of 4+, even if they normally can never be Knocked Down. Common 2 gc Grape Shot (one game
only) Maximum Range: 24" Strength: 3 Armour Save: / Its Everywhere! If a hit is scored, the Pirate player may also make to hit rolls against D6 other enemy models within 4" of the target, with appropriate modifiers as normal for cover, etc. You cannot try to hit an enemy model a second time until you have tried to hit all others within 4" once, and you may not try to hit a model more than twice. There is no Armor Save modifier from Grape Shot hits. Pirates know to duck out of the way when they hear a Swivel Gun going off, and thus are never hit by friendly Grape Shot. Common 10 gc Toughened Leathers Special Rules: Toughened Leathers work exactly like Light Armour, giving the wearer a 6+ Armour Save, but cannot be combined with the effects of any other armor except a Helmet or Buckler. This includes using a shield most pirates find they get in the way when fighting in the stiff leather, resulting in falling into the briny deeps when trying to board a ship! Whew, thats ripe Matey! Once bought (or broken in), a pirates Toughened Leathers cannot be given to another pirate or sold back at the Trading Posts the stench alone is enough to drive away even the most desperate of new owners! Not a good day. More tonight. That night We have seen to the worst of our wounds, though Hobarths leg had to be removed. I thought we had treated it well enough, but the vile infection from the undead horrors attacks spread too fast and we had to amputate. My friend made not a sound as I did the deed, but I could see the blood dripping from his clenched fists as he bit down on the lead shot. We quickly applied the torch and pitch to the wound, and that was too much for him and he passed out. We did our best to make him comfortable for the night. I hope he awakes. I would not want to be here without him. Weve set up sentries for the night. I also hope we dont see any more of the foul creatures tonight I dont think we are up for another attack. My first landing as a Mate, and a near disaster. I have grown careless, and the city has taught me the folly of such action. They came from everywhere, even springing from the tainted soil itself. We were lucky to get away with the casualties we took, never mind the gold that had been used to lure us into the trap. You cannot let your guard down here, ever. I had been on so many successful landings, I have forgotten the true nature of the city. It does not forget. It waits, until it is ready and you are not. Then it strikes. Tomorrow we must fight our way out. I can hear them off in the distance, rustling in the darkness. Sigmar help us. from the log of Riley Augustus Frayed somewhere in the city. Mate, pirate ship The Serpent's Mother SPECIAL PIRATE EQUIPMENT Rare 9 45+2D6 gc
Compass Rare 7 10gc
Flaming Arrows (one game only) Common 5 gc
Hardtack biscuits (one per model, one use only) Common 3 gc Hook
Hand (one per model) Rare 9 40+2D6 gc
Jolly Roger (one per Warband) Rare 8 15 gc
Parrot (Captain and Mates only) Common 6 gc Peg
Leg (one per model) Rare 8 20 gc Spy
Glass Rare 10 75 + 4D6
gc Treasure Map (one use only) 1 The map turns out to be a fake! However, you do manage to return and trounce the bilge-drinking swine who sold it to you, and he gives your warband D6x5 gold crowns to make amends (and prevent himself getting keel-hauled!). 2 The map leads your crew to a minor stash. After some hours digging, the find a chest containing 1 shard of wyrdstone and some jewels worth 2D6x10 gold crowns. 3 The map reveals one of the fabled ale-stashes of Long Drong Slayer himself! You uncover several barrels of the finest rums, ales, and other assorted spirits. One is a barrel of Bugmans XXXX, which can be used as per the rules for Bugmans Ale (see page 55 of the Mordheim rulebook). After "sampling" many of the other barrels, the remainders are sold off for 2D6x10 gold crowns (after the crew wakes up, of course). 4 Buried deep in the ruins of an unassuming hovel you find several chests filled with fine clothes, plus several notebooks outlining blackmail information for many of the local trading merchants. You realize this must be one of the stashes left by Facio, the great Tilean trickster and rogue. Armed with your new clothing and information, on your next visit to the trading posts you may buy any one item listed on the regular Price Chart as if it was Common (except any other Pirate Warband unique items, such as Swivel Guns or Treasure Maps), assuming you have the money. Once the transaction is complete, you turn around and sell the notebooks to his competitors for 2D6x10 gold crowns, and make any other trading post purchases as normal. Also, if in your next game your warband captures anyone, or finds any Stragglers or Prisoners, the fine clothing impresses them quite a bit! The Captains Leadership is increased by +1 when testing to see if any join your warband. 5 The treasure chest that is found has been carefully booby-trapped! One of your Heroes must try to penetrate the maze of poisoned dart-shooters and collapsing pathways that surround the chest by passing an Initiative test. If he passes, his expert approach reveals a Lucky Charm near the chest (which he claims for himself!), and 3D6x10 gold crowns in the chest itself. If he fails the test, he must sit out the next game as he recovers, but the crew do manage to open the chest now that the traps have been set off and gain the gold as above. They do not find the Lucky Charm though as it is drawn back into its hiding place, there to await a more careful adventurer. 6 Your crew bow their heads in reverent silence, as the map has lead them to one of the legendary secret burial spots used by Black-Wyrd the Pirate King, first and finest pirate to ever ravage Mordheim. Known for tying shards of Wyrdstone into the thick strands of his hair and beard and then setting them alight so they set off sparks of unholy fire, he was rightly feared by all warbands throughout the land and sea. Though only a small chest is found at the site, when opened it reveals 2+D3 shards of Wyrdstone, plus a Mordheim Map! That was perhaps the most amazing thing that has happened to me in the past year. Drakken is preparing to retire. He was cut up pretty badly in our last encounter with that foul sorcerer, but he was pulling through well enough and we were preparing for another excursion against Saan. Hes decided though that hes getting to old for it though, and is taking his shares and departing for Tilea. He had been sounding out the senior crew for the past several days as they visited them, and aside from a few dissenters most were agreeable to his decision that I succeed him. I was shocked a bit. I had pretty much lived down the disaster of my first command, and had lead many more landings and gained much gold for the ship, but me? I still sometimes think of myself as the greenhorn leaping to the ship for the first time that night long ago. But as he pointed out, most of the crew have never known me as anything else but a pirate, and a good one at that. I accepted, of course. Anything else would been a dishonor to him, and I owe him my life several times over by now. As well as possibly opening up the ship to a dangerous struggle for command among the others. And of course I wanted it, too. Funny, I had not realized how much I wanted it until it was mine. I also need to find out the names of those who didnt stand with me. Not sure of what to do with them. Keelhaulings, or just lashings? Must discuss it with Hobarth. Unless he was one of them? This will be tricky from the log of Riley Augustus Frayed, Mate, pirate ship The Serpent's Mother Starting Experience The Captain starts
with 20 experience. Heroes 1 Pirate Captain 60 Gold Crowns
to hire Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Weapons and Armour: A Pirate Captain may be equipped with items chosen from the Pirate Equipment list. SPECIAL RULES Leader: Any pirate within 6" of the Captain may use his Leadership characteristic when taking any Leadership tests. 0-2 Ships Mates 35 Gold
Crowns to hire Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Weapons and Armour: Mates may be equipped with items chosen from the Pirate Equipment list. 0-2 Cabin Boys 15 Gold Crowns
to hire Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Weapons and Armour: Cabin Boys may be equipped with items chosen from the Pirate Equipment list. Henchmen (chosen in groups of 1-5) Crew 25 Gold Crowns to hire Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Weapons and Armour: Crew members may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Pirate Equipment list. 0-7 Gunners 25 Gold Crowns to
hire Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Weapons and Armour: Gunners may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Gunner Equipment list. SPECIAL RULES Swivel Guns is Dangerous, Matey!: Gunners are known to be among the bravest of pirates, given their close proximity to blackpowder weapons, but even among themselves they stand in awe of any Gunner who takes a Swivel Gun into battle. Usually they stand in awe quite away from him even they cant be sure when one might blow! If a Pirate Warband includes a Swivel Gun, the Gunner wielding it must form a unit of one member, and can never have anyone else join the unit. Since a pirate warband may only have one Swivel Gun, if a Gunner is equipped with one then he must either be a new Gunner (forming a unit of 1), or split from an existing unit. If the latter, he retains all Experience and Skills he had previously. 0-5 Boatswains 32 Gold Crowns
to hire Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Weapons and Armour: Boatswains start with a Rope & Hook, and may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Pirate Equipment list. Note they can never sell off or give away their Rope & Hook a Boatswain would never be without his ropes! SPECIAL RULES Expert Riggers: Boatswains are highly trained in using their ropes, as they are the ones who maintain the complex network of rigging throughout the ship. They may re-roll failed Initiative tests Leaping over Gaps, Jumping Down, and performing a Diving Charge, as well as the normal test for Climbing Up or Down that a Rope allows. 0-5 Swabbies Special
Recruitment rules (see above) Weapons and Armour: Swabbies may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Swabbie Equipment list. SPECIAL RULES Not Hired: Swabbies are not hired, they follow the special "recruitment" rules above. Never Gain Experience: Swabbies generally arent interested in proving their worth to the crew, they are interested in survival and hopefully escape! Swabbies never gain experience in games. Rabble: Swabbies do not need to be armed all the same. Each may be given different equipment, but only items listed in the Swabbie equipment list. "Dont mind them mates, they aint true pirates!" The rest of the crew barely notice if any Swabbies run away or go out of action they know they ll find them later on and give them 30 lashes if theyre lucky! Any Swabbies who are running away or have been taken out of action do not count towards the need to take a Rout test for the warband. "Blimey, they got away!" If the Pirate Warband itself Routs, any Swabbies who have already off the table in previous turns are presumed to have made a successful escape, and are never seen from again. Remove them from your warband roster as if they had been killed. "If we stays and fights, we might get dead, but if we runs away, wez gonna wish we was!" I remember overhearing this muttered from one of the Swabbies to another as we prepared to advance into the city, on a landing several weeks ago. They had looked back at me, and I did my best evil grin back at them as I patted the coiled Cat on my belt. Damn Straight. And if they knew even half of what could happen to them if they were able to escape, they would never dare leave the ship itself. Ah well. Theyll fight, or theyll die, or both. Most are good enough, just lacking the proper backbone to become a true pirate. Some of the ones we "recruit" around here you can never be sure of, and its best to keep them in a firm grip. Discipline, thats what most of them need. And thats what I will bring as their Captain. from the log of Riley Augustus Frayed, Mate, pirate ship The Serpent's Mother Sample Pirate Warband: Landing Party, "The Serpents Mother" I set out on a new landing in the city, my first as the new Captain. Me. Amazing. Ive been reading back on some of my first writings here in this book. Heh. Sorry little boy, afraid to go home but only slightly less afraid to go further. Ive gone further than any of the friends I had from the old days could have. I even have two mistresses to serve and to serve me, both of whom I must give constant attention lest they turn on me. My life is now stretched out before me as far as I can see, a grand game between the sea and the city. I took old Drakkens advice though, and have arrived at what I think to be a suitably dangerous sounding name for myself. Given the insane turns my life have taken in the past year, I think it utterly appropriate. My crew agreed, and gave a resounding series of huzzahs to their new Captain this afternoon. from the log of Mad Riley, Captain, pirate ship The Serpent's Mother Heroes Captain (60) Sword (10),
Dueling Pistol (30), Light Armor (20) 120 gc Mate (35) Peg Leg (5), Crossbow
(25), dagger (free) 65 gc Cabin Boy (15) Cat O Nine
Tails (7), dagger (free) 22 gc Henchmen Crew (25) Bow (10), dagger
(free) 35 gc Crew (25) Sword (10), Pistol
(15) 50 gc Gunner (25) Two, armed with
Blunderbuss (30), Bow (10), dagger (free) (65 each) 130
gc Boatswain (32)
Sword (10), Rope & Hook (free), dagger (free) 42 gc All in all, a good band of men. Well be setting out at dawn, and woe to anyone with gold we meet, by Sigmar! from the log of Mad Riley, Captain, pirate ship The Serpent's Mother Some Player Notes: The goal here was a good mix of shooting and hand to hand fighters. I also wanted a warband that could be very mobile. With these in mind, I went for a "classical pirate captain" armed with sword and pistol, plus light armor to help him out as he advances into combat. I upgraded his pistol to a Dueling Pistol as an afterthought nothing but the best for the Captain! Hell be accompanied by two Cabin Boys, lightly armed but with weapons that should give them an edge. The Cat O Nine Tails will allow one to attack even if not in base contact, essentially extending his attack range by 4 inches. The Boat Hook will allow the other to strike first, and hopefully get a lucky hit in before the enemy can strike back. Their main goal in the first few games though is survival they need to build up their characteristics before they are ready to strike out on their own! As Mate, I went with a Peg Leg (as the model would simply be fun to create!) and armed him with a crossbow. Hell be hanging back mostly, and hopefully not seeing any actual hand to hand combat. Hell working with a Crewman armed with a Bow. Ideally they will find a good shooting spot and not move too much during the game. The two Gunners will indeed be moving, as I want to get them into good firing positions for their Blunderbusses. Since they only get one shot per game, they have to count! Ive also given them bows for use after they fire their guns and also as they advance forward to get within Blunderbuss range. Lastly, I have two more hand to hand fighters. My other Crewman, armed with a sword and pistol, will be able to move around as needed and lend a hand. Ideally, he may even get some shots off with his pistol! The Boatswain will be working the buildings with his sword, using his own skills to leap about from rooftop to rooftop, and maybe get some Diving Charges in as well. This leaves 4 gc for spending after the first game. If Im lucky, Ill pick up a Swabbie after the game, or even a Crewman. Ill also be putting some gold aside for a Swivel Gun too no pirate warband should be without one! |