18 Angestag, Erntezeit .................................................................................. 2 Groats

Campaign Goals
By Tuomas

With all the discussions about campaigns and what each Warband should achieve, I though I'd post one of my own Dark Moon campaign notes. These detail some of the specific missions I set to the different warbands before they could try one of the really special scenarios (like challenging the Shadowlord). Note that these are not really balanced enough -that's why I did not include them in the rules, but for those of you running campaigns these might prove interesting. For the rest of you, these are good benchmarks of how mighty your warband really is.

Each goal is specific to a warband, and reflects their nature. Skaven warband leaders, for example are trying to put aside Wyrdstone to use to enhance their postion once they return to Skavenblight etc. Hope you enjoy these.



Reiklanders Have a warband with 6 Heroes with at least 30 Exp each, and 10 Henchmen with at least 6 experience each.
Marienburgers Collect 2500 GC in your treasury (not used in purchases etc.). Money invested in Cathayan silk clothes, Opulent coaches and Ithilmar/Gromril weapons and armour counts towards this.
Skaven Collect 113 Shards of Wyrdstone (not sold to the agents of the clan but retained by the Warband.)
Middenheimers Win at least 25 games.
Sisters of Sigmar Put at least 100 opponents out of action.
Witch Hunters Put at least 24 magic users (Sigmarite Matriarchs count) out of action.
Possessed Kill (not just take out of action) or sacrifice (see exploration results) at least 66 opponents.
Undead Accumulate 75 experience for the Vampire.